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Bronchiectasis is a chronic disease in which the airways in the lungs are damaged by infection, injury, or a disorder such as cystic fibrosis. In bronchiectasis, the airways lose the ability to properly clear out mucus. As a result, mucus accumulates in the airways, and they become vulnerable to infection and inflammation. This damages the airways, and as they are increasingly damaged over time, the walls of the airways become thickened.

The most common cause of bronchiectasis is cystic fibrosis, but there are many other conditions that can cause the disease. These include:

  • Immunodeficiency disorders such as HIV, AIDS, or common variable immunodeficiency
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Rheumatologic diseases
  • Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Airway blockages, such as tumors
  • Pulmonary infection with mycobacterium avium-intracellulare (MAI) – bacterial infection that can damage the lungs.

Ready for an Appointment?

If you have symptoms of Bronchiectasis, Schedule an appointment or call 954-686-5575 today.


Pulmonary Care Clinics
9700 Stirling Rd, 108
Cooper City, FL 33024
Phone: 954-686-5575
Fax: 954-743-0514

Office Hours

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